As you may know, it’s been a loooong time since I’ve written a fRecipe fRiday. My reason? Blogging about food while being sick just doesn’t add up for my stomach. But now I can eat, so I can share my recipes with the world again!
Most recently, I made
These were pretty good, especially since I’m a fan of crescent rolls and apples and cinnamon and butter and sugar.
First, after you preheat the oven to 350 degrees, you take your package of crescent rolls, and you stretch and flatten them out.
The next step is to mix 4 teaspoons of sugar and 2 teaspoons of cinnamon in a little bowl.
Peel and cut two small Granny Smith (or any other TART apples) into slices. You may not need to use all of the slices. Roll the apple slices in the cinnamon/sugar and put 2-3-4 slices on each piece of dough (depending on the size of your slices.)
Fold the dough over the apple slices and pinch the edges together. You may have to stretch the dough some kooky ways to get this to work. Set them in a pan (I think mine was a mini-rectangular pan.) Not to gross you out, but I was just thinking how they look like tiny chickens before you cook them…
Anyway! Mix a little under 1/2 a cup of water, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, and the rest of your cinnamon/sugar mixture. Pour this over the dumplings, then put a tiny scoop of butter on top of each dumpling. Or a regular size scoop. It really doesn’t matter.
Finally, bake the dumplings for 25-30 minutes. They’ll get nice and brown and look like this:
Oh so delicious!
See my new purse? Caleb got it for me! It matches anything peacock feathered. I’ve been spoiled!!