Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Well, would you look at that? It's Thanksgiving. That means it's only, what, like three weeks away from Christmas break beginning? For that, I am thankful.

Speaking of thankful, why don't I tell you some other things I am thankful for this year?

First, of course, I've gotta be thankful for my Caleb. He's great, he's thoughtful, he's clever, he's more than I could ever deserve.
Also, he is pretty.
Then, also of course, I'm thankful for my sweet niece. She's our family's miracle baby and has grown quite large over the almost-first-year of her life.

On to less mushy things now.

I am thankful for:
  • the college church group I get to be a part of
  • finally having a smart phone
  • my photojournalism class
  •  learning how to make banana pudding (tonight!)
  • my own puppy and my parents' puppy being great cuddle buddies
  • my grandparents having a stock of (now-vintage) clothes that I fit into
  • friends who actually enjoy thrift shopping with me
  • almost being done with college
  • flannel
  • the ability to read
  • snapchat (honestly never thought I'd say that, but it keeps me in contact with friends in a hilarious way
  • Doctor Who and the countless hours Caleb and I have spent watching it
  • a billion other things, like trees, and lakes, and paper, and skype, and the list could go on and on

RFC fall retreat

3 years together!

Books books books
I'm just glad to be here, I guess. I'm glad I'm where I am, even if I'm sometimes sad while I'm there. It's a nice life.

1 comment:

  1. And I am thankful for YOU! :)
    I need to come thrift shopping with you. I should have ample time since I'm graduating in two weeks and am currently unemployed, ha!
