Thursday, September 3, 2015

Photography Challenge Week 35 || The Fair

For the next few months, we are trying our hardest to not spend money on extras. AKA, only buy food, gas, necessities, etc. So in lieu of spending money going shopping and the like, we are finding unique ways to pass our time.

This week was date week, so we used a gift card we'd been saving for a dinner at Red Lobster, followed by walking around the county fair. Yay for saving money and still getting to do things!

I wish I could narrow down my favorite part of fairs. I like colorful lights, I like the smell of frying funnel cakes, I like how the fair looks right before it gets dark, I like seeing the crafts and plants that people enter...the list goes on and on.

This year, I did have a definite favorite part of the fair, though. There were giant, gorgeous parrots, and I got to have one sit on my shoulder for a picture.

I didn't take that picture, but I mean, I just needed to share it with everyone. It was so exciting. I love birds.

It is nice to be able to have that much fun walking through animal poop, quilts, giant gourds, food trucks, and rides for a few hours with my favorite guy. He's a good date planner.

Today I'm featuring a shot from my favorite assistant photographer--the wonderful, the astounding, Caaaleb Bryaaaaaant!
And there you have it. Our trip to the fair.

Oh, and I had a least favorite part too. The bathrooms. Always the bathrooms.
Psstt...I linked up my little adventure over at Love Letter to Adventure. If you have an adventure, share yours too!

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