Sunday, March 8, 2015

Photography Challenge Week 9 || Reflectors

Well, I broke down and finally bought a reflector set for portraits. (Psst...someone-who isn't related to me-wants me to take a few portraits of them and I'm really excited!)

Turns out, 42 inches of reflector is a lot bigger than I expected, but it's not that big of a problem when I see the results that using a reflector produces! This week I thought I'd check out what difference the reflectors made. The answer: A big one.

Before (no reflector):

After (with reflector):

It's not just me, right? I edited the photos the same way so I'd be sure. That reflector is on my love-it list now.

1 comment:

  1. oh wow, I definitely see a big difference!
    This is awesome! You go girl.
