Boy am I behind. I tell myself each week that I'll post on Sunday, and then Monday rolls around, and in this case, we make it all the way to Wednesday.
Last week Caleb and I decided we wanted to go see a new waterfall over the weekend. If you can't tell, we're really into waterfalls and the like, i.e.
here and
here. If it's water and it rushes, we're there. After lots of research and realizing most spectacular waterfalls are 2 hours away from us (which would be fine for a normal Saturday, but we had plans for that evening) we found one right over the border in Oklahoma, only 40 minutes away!
Natural Falls State Park had a lot to offer--hiking trails, water everywhere, prairie, picnic areas, woods, gardens, little caverny things, and even a disc-golf course. Oh, and the most blue-greenest water I've seen.
I got real inspired on our break by the water. Prettiest water I've ever seen. |
I've got to say, going to a different state (just barely) made this seem like a really big adventure to us. It was like exploring a new world. I mean, we've basically internally mapped the lake down the road from how many times we've been there, but we haven't gone exploring out of town much, if at all!
I don't know what this is, a plant, a weed, a fern...but it looked really neat. |
It's funny, when I was a kid I remember finding snake vertebrae, rolly-polies, worms, those teeeeenny toads and all sorts of things around the yard. Now, I don't see stuff like that as much. Is it because I'm taller than I used to be, or because I forgot about those kinds of things, or because I lost that sense for seeing the small things? Thankfully, this weekend put some of that verve back in my brain and I saw all kinds of little things, from weird plants to green beetles to deer tracks.
The most handsome pack mule (who didn't even complain about carrying the backpack!) |
And remember, folks, if you're out adventuring, don't forget to bring lots of water! (Like, the kind you can drink.)
The Falls in all their glory. |
Oh yeah, and here's one of me too (Caleb took this photo so be proud of him!) I'm on the edge of a mountain being really hardcore with my jazz hands, I promise.