Twas the fifth snowed-in snow day, and all through the BTB House
Three creatures were stirring, and maybe a mouse.
The tree had been set up by the drafty old door
And that was the first day, to be followed by more.
The females were nestled in a row on the couch
And watched tons of movies, while stuck in a slouch.
Kelsy in her pajamas, and Hannah in her pajamas, and Tam in her pajamas,
Were all settled in wishing they were in the Bahamas.
When out in the yard arose such a loud noise,
We jumped on the futon and spied some young boys.
They had ruined the snow on our near-perfect lawn
So we decided to give up, and turned with a yawn.
In betwixt every movie, the girls would all stop
And remember the things that they once had forgot.
"Be productive! Do homework! Clean the house! Put on clothes!"
They'd say o'er and o'er, but forgot again, I suppose.
The second snow day came, and the girls all arose
To see that the snow would have frozen their toes.
So they hunkered back down on the couch, so quiet and comfy
To snapchat each other, with faces so frumpy
On the third snow day, the girls woke up sour,
And one did not get out of her bed til the 6 o'clock hour.
She read and she read til her eyes started crossing,
And the other two girls just ate cookies with no frosting.
On the fourth snow day, the girls ventured outside
To attend a church service and pimp their sweet ride
They received free food and had some good giggles
And went back to home to get rid of the wiggles.
The fifth snow day was met with a groan
As the girls began homework, each on their own
But that didn't last, as they grew more distracted,
They blew up social media like some little frat kid.
Alas, they know these days will not last,
When they can procrastinate and be distracted so fast
For finals approach, and break cometh soon,
The girls must begin waking up before noon.
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