Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Little Bit of Spring Break

Not much happened over my break.  I did do a bit of reading in Les Mis (the completely unabridged version, which is at least 1000 pages) and went shopping with my ma.

However, I did get to hang out with some people that I haven’t had the chance to be around in forever!  Meet Leigha and Sara!


Leigha and I tried to have a pinterest night, but we were a bit hungry when we went to Wal-Mart to buy the crafts.  So, we ended up buying crescent rolls, ham, and cheese.  Because…everything tastes good on a crescent roll.


And cupcakes with Disney rings.


Later in the week, Sara, Leigha, and I went to the Lower Dam.  Caleb went too, but he volunteered to be our photographer, so technically there’s no proof.


We did big-kid things like work on a puzzle, watch Yes Man, make cookies, and fix up banana splits.






Not only did I visit with Leigha and Sara, but my friend Will came down from Chicago, so he, Ellen, and I got to reunite!


And that was my break in a nutshell.

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