Scene 1:
I have to cross multiple streets when walking to class. Yesterday, while coming up to an intersection, I saw a squirrel slowly walk across the street. I'm pretty sure it was waiting for some car to come along and then crash all for the squirrel's sake. Unfortunately, no car crashes happened for that squirrel, and when it got to the other side of the road, it stood up and shook its little paws at the sky. Poor disappointed squirrel.
Scene 2:
Today I was walking to class and I spied a squirrel running around and jumping from tree to tree. Almost rabidly. When I got up close to it, it jumped out of a tree and right in front of my feet. We had a staring contest for a few seconds, it staring at me, me glaring at it, it peering at me, and on and on. Then it ran away.
Scene 3:
The library, like many buildings, has really flat, vertical walls. It is not made of brick, so there aren't crevices on the facade. When walking past the library, I saw two girls staring up at the side of it. So, being curious, I stopped walking and looked. And there it was, Ninja Squirrel, limbs splayed out like in a James Bond movie, climbing up the side of the wall. It was amazing. I love squirrels.