Monday, January 23, 2012

It’s Hard To Sit Down For Sports

Recently, I’ve realized how bad I am.  I love sports.  I love watching them on TV, in person, and I love playing them (when I’m good at them…)  On the same token, I’ve known for two years now just how loyal I am to my Hogs. 

I’ve been sick for almost a week now.  I absolutely love laying around, doing nothing, and eating only crackers with a side of Gatorade.  Oh wait, no I don’t.  When I’m sick I always have to do things.  I can’t stand being sedentary.  I read, I move around, I clean, I whine about how I don’t feel good because I moved too much, I sit back down, I get restless, repeat.

There was a very important gymnastics meet and pep rally for UofA Friday night.  Loads of recruits were brought in to see what the atmosphere was like.  I always loved watching gymnastics on TV, and my brother was super excited about the recruits, so it was kind of a perfect storm.  Oh, and at gymnastics meets you get to sit down and watch.  For a sick kid, that was a jackpot.  As tired as I was that night, I stayed awake and watched the whole meet.

It was amazing.  I felt like I was at the Olympics.  IMG_9169 And guess what…not only did our gymnastics team beat three school records in one night (including biggest crowd attendance-I was part of that!) but it is now the *DRUMROLL PLEASE*


The next day was the big basketball game.  In the student section, everyone stands the whole two hours or so of the game.  Me?  I sat down at the farthest edge of the student section by the railing and watched my brother’s and sister-in-law’s drink.  I’ll tell you one secret perk to sitting by the railing…you get to see everyone that passes by.  So when our quarterback and our head of the athletic department and the Cotton Bowl trophy passed by, I knew first.

Incredible side story: When I saw the trophy come by me, I alerted my brother.  While he was acting like he was about to touch it, the man carrying it looked over at us.  Bro said, “Uh can I touch it?” And the man leaned that trophy over the railing so we could wipe our filthy paws all over it.

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A perk to being sick and sitting at the games: Having a steadier hand for shooting pictures.  I won’t complain.

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