Once upon a time, we thought it would be fun to sign up for Intramural Competitive Baggo-Cornhole-Beanbags. Doesn't it sound like fun? All you have to do is stand across from a hole and throw a beanbag in. So easy.
Baggo apparently requires more skill than I will ever have. I was absolutely horrendous at this game, only landing one in about 24 shots in the hole.
You may be wondering about our interesting outfits. Well, when we were deciding to sign up for baggo, we joked around and said, "Oh we could get matching outfits and sweatbands. We could dress like we're from the 80s!" My brother threw in a, "Team Richard Simmons!" which led to our team name being just that...Team Richard Simmons.
We went to the thrift store and cut up super large shirts to make our outfits. And they look good, do they not? My teammate had a pair of shorty shorts under his sweatpants, so I promise that the Richard Simmons look was complete. It was just that no one got to see those shorts due to us deciding that maybe we did want to look halfway normal around all the other baggo players.
We won our first game.
We lost our second.
Did I mention we won the first game because the other team didn't show up? Maybe we should practice...
Intramural Competitive Baggo-Cornhole-Beanbags? hahaha! You are so cute Tamzen, I love the outfit! Good luck with the practice ;)